Contra Dancing is an ideal form of country
dancing for singles and couples alike. Contra
dances use the many of
the same figures (swing,
promenade, etc.) as square dancing, but you
dance with more people, you do not need lessons,
and you do not need to bring a partner. Many
people who "can't dance" love to Contra
Dance anywayContra Dancing is a form of
American folk dance in which the dancers form a
set of two parallel lines which run the
of the hall. Each dance consists of a sequence
of moves that ends with couples having
progressed one position
up or down the set. As
the sequence is repeated, a couple will
eventually dance with every other couple in the

In Contra Dancing, your feet are never asked
to do more than walk to the music. Each dance is
taught by the caller before
it is danced. The
caller continues to prompt the dancers as
needed. Because the pattern of moves of each
Contra Dance is
repeated often, Contra Dances
are easy to learn. Both beginning and
experienced dancers happily share the same set.
Contra dancers don't follow the old custom of
expecting a woman to wait to be asked by a man.
Women and men both do
the asking. After each
dance, you will be asked to find a new partner.
This exchange of partners is one of the reasons
you don't
have to bring a partner with you to a
Contra dance (although it is just as wonderful if
you do); you will get to dance with many
friendly people over the course of the evening.
Most contra dances feature live musicians
playing Celtic, Quebecois, Old Time, New
England, Southern Appalachian, Jazz, Blues,
all sorts of other music.
Contra dance is Real People in Real Time with
Real Music. It is Real Life. You cannot
experience this while sitting on your duff,
helmet or not. Get out more often! You know you
spend way too much time in front of your
computer and/or TV.