When one thinks of teenagers going to a dance, a
square dance is probably not the first thing
that comes to mind.
It probably isn't the first
thing that comes to the a teenager's mind
either. It is, however, a venue that is gaining
as another option for entertainment,
whether with their family, with specific teen
square dance groups, or as in the case of the
Pacific Northwest area, as a competitive sport.
Although the steps, (known as figures), calls
(names of the figures), and the format of the
dances are the same as for "adult" square
dancing, teen/youth square dancing, with its
high energy and sometimes unique styling, has an
identity all its own.
Many square dance clubs are classified as
youth friendly and welcome teenagers, whether
they have come with their parents or not.
teens will often "square up" together so that
they can kick up their heels and add their own "flare' to the dance. Adults joining them
that they may be in for a more energetic
experience than they would normally expect. When
the youth square up with other adult
they usually tone it down a bit, but sometimes
the adults will ask to learn some of their
styling variations. It is increasingly becoming
a family activity where for part of the event
the family can dance together, and for part of
the event the youth can go off and
with their friends.
In addition to family square dance groups
there are also square dance groups specifically
for teenagers, pre-teens, and young adults.
Adults are sometimes permitted to dance with
them, but they have to play by the "younger"
A listing of youth and youth-friendly clubs
can be found at
www.YouthSquares.org .
Being a member of a square dance club exposes
kids to parliamentary procedure, "ground rules",
socialization skills and a comfortable
level of
interacting with members of the opposite sex.
At the National Square Dance Convention" www.nsdcnec.com, held every year in a different city in the United States, there is
dedicated exclusively to youth dancing. Even
though the callers for this hall can be of any
age, many a famous square dance caller
started their career by calling in this venue as
In the Pacific Northwest there is an annual
square and round dance competition for the
younger dancer. The Pacific Northwest Teen
Dance Festival
www.pntsdf.org has
competitions for square dancing, round dancing,
square dance calling, and round dance cueing.
Each competition has several age levels of
expertise categories.
A brochure has been created with comments
from teens that describe their square dancing as
"Team Dancing". You can download it